I am excited to tell you that new offerings are on their way. Stay tuned and connected to hear about the upcoming workshops, walks & talk sensory experiences, and tours, both familiar and unfamiliar, locally and abroad. The Flaneur way has been in incubation and creation mode and is looking forward to inviting you in observing, exploring, and creating together.

Flaneur walks and talks are guided immersive experiences through urban and nature settings. Bringing people together to observe, explore, and create under the curiosity to learn and discover the daily aspects of life, in the moment. Guiding through the themes of creativity, wellbeing, and exploration. Encouraging moments of connection, and relating to ourselves, others, and the world around, through our senses. Themed walks & workshops, set in beautiful culturally rich places and spaces around the world. With the intention set, to slow down, step outside your comforts and routines to embrace the unknown.

SENSORY experience
Among the hustle and bustle of an urban environment, we invite you to take this opportunity to practice mindfulness of the senses. Slowing down, tuning in, and observing each of the senses as it relates to ourselves, others, and all that surrounds us on a daily basis. Join, The Flaneur way for a day, 1, 3, or 7-day excursion through an urban or nature setting locally or abroad in familiar or unfamiliar landscapes. The flaneur way invites you on a journey to observe and explore your inner and outer landscapes. To inspire you to create and express your authentic vision, beyond and barrier or border. This is a blend of themed seasonal gatherings, mindful activities, movement practices, nourishing meals, and purposeful explorations in urban and nature landscapes.