The Modern Day Flaneur


A SENSE of time

by Jennifer Cloutier

A multi-sensorial immersive experience, interactive installation, and “live” performance, that shares the wandering journey of a Modern day flaneur as she observes and explores the inner and outer worlds of daily life.  Merging creative expression, storytelling, and consciousness to engage your presence, and awaken the senses. 


Upon arrival, you enter into a space, installed and designed for you to become “ a part of “ You are offered an all-immersive ticket to travel through a SENSE of time. Your guide, The Modern Day Flaneur, will join you, as you journey together to the past, present, and future, and the all states that lie in space between.

Power down all devices, find a seat, get comfortable, and settle in the space.


The plot unfolds before your eyes to become a WITNESS to a journey. The Flaneur enters the scene, with her suitcases in hand, pausing for a moment to OBSERVE. Playing the role of a silent observer, participating character, and narrator of her own story, she unpacks her luggage, sharing her sensorial souvenirs, with YOU, her viewers. 

Through a theatrical storytelling performance, she begins unraveling the many layers of her being. Using spoken words, poetic verses, travel logs, visual projections, soundscapes, and creativity to immerse you in the moment.

Each expression and each action is meant to engage each of the senses, evoke visceral memories, and resonate on a level that defines our perception as both being UNIQUE and ENTANGLED.


To cultivate a more profound sense of presence with her viewers, she invites you to interact and participate in a guided meditative practice that is both mindful and creative—using movement exercises, visualization, rituals, and mindfulness practices to foster a connection with the self, others, and the surroundings.


To bring conscious awareness of our SENSE of taste, and smell, an array worldly of aromatic scents and nourishing seasonal tastes will be offered. Inviting you to not only the present but through a portal to travel back to memories stored deep within the layers of your being.

on PAUSE for the summer

A SENSE of time project, will go for a summer break. It is once again time to slow down, tune in and OBSERVE, EXPLORE, CREATE, and enjoy the moments of the season.

This time will also offer space for me ( Jennifer Cloutier) to personally cocoon in a creative incubation and prep for an upcoming exhibition/book in the future

Thank you to those who have already come to enjoy, support, and be a part of this experience so far. Stay tuned and follow to see what is next.

A SENSE of time is a multi-sensorial curation that observes and explores the everyday journey through the senses and seasons of our lives. It will rotate to reflect and share the present inner and outer landscape of our everyday. Stay up to date on upcoming immersive experiences, exhibitions, field guides, and souvenirs by following the flaneur way.


Inspired by real-life events, this curated experience is an autobiographical account of a flaneur as she witnessed, reflected, and processed her life in isolation during a global pandemic

In an age that seems to be accelerating at a pace in which we couldn’t keep up, the whole world was now being advised to go on a collective “time out” to pause and re-examine the state in which our world was. Over-saturated and disconnected by the day, we had now reached a point of DIS-EASE.

It is within this chaotic and uncertain time period that Jennifer Cloutier chose to focus on the practice of slowing down and tuning into the moment. Using creativity and mindfulness to heal and express herself. 

With the world on pause, and the travel industry coming to a dramatic standstill, it was time to get back to being “a flaneur “ of her every day. She now chose to wander close by, through the streets, alleyways, and parks with the intention to find beauty and awe in the simple details of life. Using her senses as the gateway to finding her purpose in her day. 

On the days in which she couldn’t travel outward to form new memories, she found comfort in traveling inward by processing the souvenirs she had collected over her lifetime of travels. 

A photograph, an object, a journal entry, a scent, or a sound, reminded her of the places she had been, the things she experienced, and the people she encountered along the way.

It was her senses, that brought her on a journey to travel back to the past, to remember her story, her experiences, and her knowledge. To arrive face to face with herself and become RE-ACQUAINTED. Gaining a true insight that her path wasn’t just a trail of unfragmented sequences of events but a continuous journey, that had arrived at this very moment in time.

The Modern Day flaneur / A SENSE of time… 

INVITES the collective community to come to their senses, to reconnect,  to witness themselves, others, and all the details that make up our lives. 

Curating a moment, that offers the space to PAUSE, to RESET, and stay awhile. To practice the art of de-accelerating, slowing down, tuning in, and just BEING. To create a container, a sanctuary by which to feel safe enough to unfold, rest, daydream, and savor this life, now. NOW.

A SENSE of time is inspired by her book MIRA Cuba, published in 2020, the HANG IN THERE installation in 2021, and the exhibition PASSPORT PHOTOS in 2006. Curated/created and produced by Jennifer Cloutier.

© All copyrights reserved for all content/images/words by Jennifer Cloutier.


Jennifer Cloutier is a Canadian multidisciplinary artist, entrepreneur, wellness educator, and avid explorer. 

Growing up in the Canadian countryside, Jennifer quickly fell into the role of a wanderer, and silent observer. Taking long walks in the nearby forests, to connect with nature and tap into her creativity.  These reflective moments have always been a part of her life.  Deepening her passion for exploration, and yearning to seek and learn more, she eventually went off to explore the world. Having the incredible opportunity, she has traveled extensively for 25 years around the world. Each person, place, culture, and experience has formed her into who she is today. 

Trained as a visual artist, and wellness educator, she uses her background and experiences to guide, teach, and create unique curated experiences, exhibitions, workshops, and walks that bring a focus to creativity, well-being, and exploration.  Encouraging moments of awareness, reflection, and connection, to yourself, others, and the world around us through the senses. Weaving together her passions she created the flaneur Way. 


The Flaneur way is a space, platform, and way of being that merges together storytelling, creativity, and wellness. 

Creating spaces and moments that are memorable, foster connections, cultivate creativity and inspire exploration in our every day in a more conscious and mindful way. Developing narratives and content that awaken the senses and inspire awareness of each moment, to leave lasting impressions.

She advocates the sharing of the creative voice & vision of the process and human experience beyond any barrier or border

A SENSE of time is a mindfully curated series of experiences, encounters, publications, exhibitions, and essentials of sensorial souvenirs that RE-MIND us of a place, an experience, or a moment in time. That merges the practices of creative expression, storytelling, and wellness. 

With an intention to evoke a visceral memory of our journey here and awaken our senses to see clearly, listen deeply, feel full, and savor completely at this moment, NOW.



ARRIVAL / CHECK-IN: 6:15 - 7:00 pm 

Power down all devices, find a seat and get comfortable, begin to unwind, and settle into the space.

TAKE OFF: 7:00 pm - lights will dim, for departure, and take off.

IN-FLIGHT entertainment: 

SEE - Visual projections ( Imagery both still and moving and art)

LISTEN - soundscapes, field recordings, storytelling,  ( inspired by Jennifer’s creations from her book MIRA CUBA 2021, and the HANG IN THERE installation, 2020) 

FEEL - exploring the sense of touch, vibration, and perception. 

TASTE - seasonal drinks & nourishments ( other surprises.


Montreal, Quebec - March 16th.

Tickets can be purchased online through this website.

E-transfer - send to email

PayPal, or credit can be paid through this website. Go to the purchase button

Early bird/seating - $22.00 Until March 9th

Second sale- $33.00 March 10th - March 14th

At the door - $44.00


A SENSE of time

open soon