come to your senses and wander, here, there and within

WINTER in Montreal

Embark on a journey to discover and connect with your inner and outer worlds, others, your surroundings, the present moment, through the senses, and the season of WINTER

As the seasons change so do we, others, and our surroundings, as we are not separate but a part of this journey.

Stay where you are, get comfortable, and find a moment away from distractions, to just TUNE IN and LISTEN, as I guide you through a curated immersive wander through Montreal's streets, alleyways, and parks.

”Your presence will be your passport to experience this moment, now.”

Created / Produced / Narrated by Jennifer Cloutier

Jennifer is currently creating longer meditative and immersive wanders. She will post them on a new page as well as a Patreon. If you are curious and would enjoy this, stay tuned to see how you can be a part of this journey and support this creative mindful endeavor.

SENSE KIT souvenir

WINTER edition

Embark on a tactile journey to discover and connect to the senses, your inner and outer worlds, and the present moment, through a thoughtfully curated kit that evokes moods, hues, and memories from the winter season.

As the seasons change, so do we, others, and our surroundings, as we are not separate but a part of this journey. Savour a kit that offers rituals and essentials in TUNE in the essence of the season of Winter.

Audio mindful wander is one of the elements to this limited edition kit. Check out all that is included within.


EMBARK on a sensory journey of discovery and connection to your inner and outer worlds, others, and the present moment, through thematic, meditative, and immersive audio wanders. To Inspire you to take note of the moments in your every day, through a sense of time.

Jennifer Cloutier / The Modern Day Flaneur will guide you here, there, and within, using her voice, sound field recordings, poetic verses, storytelling, and creative mindful practices

Enjoy this audio wander at your leisure, by disconnecting from the hustle to reconnect and TUNE in to notice what you are a part of in the moment, NOW.

LISTEN, as you stroll through a forest, at your workplace, or in your sanctuary.

Let’s wander together, one step, one moment, one sense at a time.


youtube channel


youtube channel

SLOW down and TUNE in to look, listen, and feel sensorial souvenirs that tell the story of A modern-day Flaneur as she observes and explores her inner and outer worlds through a sense of time.

Through creative storytelling, travel journals, field sound recordings, poetic verses, and meditative audio wanders, Jennifer invites you to be part of her journey that travels to the past, present, future, and all the spaces that lies in between. Follow along, as she reveals the story of the places explored, the encounters and connections made, and the experiences lived.

one step, one moment, and one sense at a time.

This is your passport to embark on a journey of discovery and connection, to stay curious and wander with a purpose, to see beauty and joy in the details of the every day, and the extraordinary in the ordinary.

come, let’s wander, within and around.


Through the senses and seasons of spring. come wander and tune in to the everyday.


Embark on a flaneur wander through the streets, alleyways, and parks of Montreal,. Curated by Jennifer Cloutier, the Modern-day flaneur. Slow down, tune in, and savor the moments that you are a part of through the senses and season of winter.