Pause and OBSERVE what you are already a part of.

A flaneur is about being a witness. Slowing down, checking in, and observing yourself, others, and all that surrounds you. Tuning in with all your senses to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel the daily aspects of life.  Bringing awareness to the moments, as they unfold.  A flaneur does not skim the surface but is curious & inquisitive. Going deeper to unravel the many layers that exist inside, out, and in between. Being open to perceiving life, that is made up of different perspectives, and angles. Its focus is not on doing but on being.



Privates Sessions :

Personalized sessions tailored to your specific needs and want.   Ideal for people who are seeking a little more care and attention and more detailed instruction.  Which is great for beginners.  Also for people who are wanting to deepen their own personal practice. 

Groups Sessions :

Will travel to a location near you or can alternatively choose a nearby park. Ideal for families, friends, or groups wanting and enjoying the energy that group sessions can harness. 


Will travel to your workplace to teach a session to inspire well-being, better focus, concentration, and elevate stress. Please contact Jennifer for pricing and more information.

Sessions Include :

A brief consultation to review your intentions, goals, and health. A 1 to 1 1/1 hour yoga session including meditation, Pranayama, Vinyasa, and Restorative aspects. 

Extra on request. A copy of the instructed yoga sequence to have and use for your own personal practice at home. 

Please get in touch with Jennifer for rates & and details and to book a visit.


The Flaneur way walks & talks, workshops, and excursions are guided sensory experiences that bring people together to observeexplore, and create under the curiosity to learn and discover the daily aspects of life. Set in cultural & artistic rich spaces, platforms, and environments around the world.  Focusing on the senses and our direct experience and how it relates to ourselves, others and what surrounds us. 

The flaneur way workshops incorporate meditation, pranayama breath work, yoga flow, and a nutritional meal. These unique sessions have been created by Jennifer to stimulate and bring awareness to each of the five senses for each new season.


YOU- This exploration begins with you.  This mindfulness practice will first take notice of our breath, thoughts, and all the sensations that we experience physically, and emotionally. Simply becoming aware of what is, without adding or subtracting to the experience. Once we have grounded and found our base, we can expand outward to include others. 

 OTHERS- Especially in urban spaces, we are reminded daily that we are not alone. We share space and energy with others. The flaneur way practice reserves time to teach us the importance of making connections within our community, and the people we have and pass in our lives. Through the conscious practice of making eye contact and connections daily with others, we can build stronger, authentic relationships and experiences.

SURROUNDINGS- These workshops bring special focus to observing the simple but beautiful details that make up the landscape of our lives. Taking time to reflect on what you see, hear, feel, taste and smell, as the moments unfold. Finding beauty in the mundane, and places that we least expect. To become a better witness to your direct experience that makes up our day-to-day.

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Yoga flow /Breath work - Rejuvenating & grounding yoga flow, to restore the body and mind. Breathing exercises to calm the nervous system.


The sense of TOUCH, is an important and necessary sense for our physical and mental health. Our workshops will focus on the healing aspects of this sense and how we can incorporate it into our daily self care rituals. Techniques to calm and soothe the nervous system, and revitalize and nourish the skin through each season.


These workshops invite you to the table to gather as a community, to enjoy a meal, bringing a focus to our sense of smell & taste and share your thoughts over a culinary experience of healthy seasonal superfoods and drinks.

Using creative mindful exercises, to engage deeper into the act of noticing and heal through simple creative rituals.