Notes in which reveal the inner and outer landscapes to where I am now, where I was before, and where I think I might be heading. Shared for you to experience through an audio recordings and or written text.
Hey you! I see you !
Hey you !
Yeah you !! How are you ? Today .
At this moment
How are you moving through these days?
I see you ! .
Can you see, hear, feel that
It’s change
It’s happening again.
It’s constant
Can you surrender to it. Let it go
Flow as it should
Let it fall away
Can you just be a witness to it.
Notice it’s transformation.
Yes this includes YOU . You are a part of the change
Transpiring, adapting, becoming
By what you see
By what you feel
This moment, it won’t happen again
The same
And that’s alright
There are more coming
To experience , fully
Feel that, beneath you .
Pulling and grounding you in
A vibrational , gravitational hug
NATURE , OTHERs, is asking you to be it’s witness
That this
We exist
In this moment .
this morning
to a new day
a new moon
and another trip
around the sun.
I woke up this morning
to SEE.
that I was surrounded
not only by all that I need
but as well by the things
I love
I woke up this morning
to HEAR .
the songs of the birds nearby
to the buzzing of city
and the traffic going by. .
I woke up this morning
coffee percolating
sage purifying
and fresh snow falling .
I woke up this morning
the comforts of a home.
the heat from my blankets
and the breath moving
in and out my body .
I woke up this morning .
and for that .
of this the same way we arrived.
but isn’t that the point, to this journey.
To experience it all. The good, bad, and the ugly. The highs and lows.
Heartaches, mixed with evenings of passion.
Conversations and connections that elevate your spirit and stimulate your intellect. Inspiring you to create, learn and expand beyond who and what you were.
It’s all part of this great movie in which you are the director. You can re-invent yourself, changed the characters, the plot and the ending if you so desire.
It’s all in your hands and minds to
how you see it.
hear it.
feel it.
and experience it. . . .