

The Flaneur Way invites you to partake in a sensory “ritual”

That brings focus to yourself, others and daily aspects of life. Bringing awareness to the NOW, through your commitment in living this experience.


Between the 1600-1800’s, there was a tradition among families to light a courting candle when a potential suitor came a “courtin”. It was an act to set boundaries between the man of the house and his daughter. The father would like the candle in the sitting room where the couple conversed.  When the candle burnt to the metal, it was time for the suitor to leave. 

We have come a long way since, and although the significance, rules and traditions have since outdated, the ritual behind creating a space, a moment in time, to connect and “relate” between another or yourself, is something I feel should be acknowledged and revisited. 

I feel that this pandemic has alerted us to the precious sense “ time”. As well providing a rare and great opportunity for the global collective to slow down, tune in and become aware to who we are as individuals and as a community. 

I feel it ’s NOW, we need to pay attention and find ways to “RELATE, again, with ourselves, others and all our surroundings. 

The relating ritual is grounded in the act of creating space, time and “ being present” with yourself, others and the place and space in which you find yourself day to day.



Create a SPACE

Away from the distractions and noise.  Turn off your phone and other devices. Find some stillness.  Perhaps invite some comforts into this experience with cozy pillows, blankets, objects that induce calm and connection.

LIGHT the Candle. 

Find a candle and light it. Take a few moments to look at the lit flame of light, and reflect on an intention to your “relation” and that moment.

This can be with yourself, your partner, kids, pet, family, friend, or parent. Whoever you choose to connect and relate to the present.



Commit and Dedicate

a certain amount of “TIME” to this ritual of WITNESSING and RELATING.  Acknowledge the existence of you, the other and the space.  The amount of time committed to this is up to you.  You set the boundaries and rules and allow them to change and flow within your schedule.  

Take this time to be PRESENT 

Dedicate these moments to LOOK, LISTEN, and SENSE. Make eye contact first. Soften into this experience.  Be vulnerable and open.  There doesn’t have to be WORDS exchanged.  Let it flow. 


Take note of the moments 

If you so desire, keep a journal of the “relating” ritual.  Write down the feelings that arise.  The emotions you sense. How the body and mind react ( good or bad ) Don’t attach or judge them. SIMPLY witness. 

Let’s start a movement and get back to making rituals that BRING US TOGETHER

If you have enjoyed this ritual and are curious to experience more, JOIN , The Flaneur Way community. Dedicated to creating and sharing content that brings a focus to exploration, creativity and well-being. As well as be an online presence, by which a community of people can connect, collaborate, learn and be inspired by their lives.

Starting in February, I am offering and guiding an Online course that is in correlation with my recent publication MIRA CUBA The Flaneur Way.

This RELATING RITUAL is the first module in PART ONE of an ongoing series that takes a look at how we relate to ourselves, others and our daily aspects, through the senses. REGISTRATION begins FEB 15th./2021. JOIN and Connect to receive the upcoming modules into your dropbox, and begin to connect, and relate to life, in the present.