I was, I am, I will . we were, we are, we will

Jennifer Cloutier photography

Jennifer Cloutier photography

After several years of a pandemic, a lot has changed. Our identities, and the way we relate to ourselves, others, and the world around us. We had to change, adapt and adjust under the circumstances we found ourselves in. Some things, some people, and some aspects of the way were lived were easy to let go of and others were hard. At times we could feel like we were gripping and holding on to old feelings, connections and ways of being, and old selves.

Over these years, I have had time to reflect on who I was, who I am, and who I would like to be. I also reflected on who WE were, are as a community, and how we relate to ourselves, others, and the world. Presently I have been focusing on finding NEW updated versions and visions for how we can RELATE and reconnect.

Have you ever heard the expression,

In order to have a new life, you must be willing to give up the old one.

If we desire a new SELF, new ways to relate, and new ways of living, we must first REFLECT, on the old, learn, and release it, in order to move forward.

Every ending has a beginning.



We will go inward for today’s ritual. Take some moments to find a quiet place, away from distractions. Create a space, that is conducive for reflection and writing. Grab a pen and paper, and dedicate this time to yourself.

Writing prompts.

1 ) Who you were/ who we were: Starting by writing to your old self, old community, and way of living. Who were you, who was your community? Think about your identity as a person. What was your work, your values, your beliefs? How did you use to relate to others, ( gatherings, intimate connections, hugging, sports) How did you relate to yourself? What were your dreams and goals? What were some of your ideas for the past year? Were you social, or an introvert?

Write about some of the emotions that arise from reflecting on some of your losses whether it be with work, with friends due to disconnection, the state of the world, or your goals. Release these emotions. FEEL IT ALL.

2) I AM / WE ARE: Write a letter about who you are today. Through all the changes, how do you see yourself? What are your beliefs and values? How are you feeling about yourself, your community? How are you relating to yourself, others, and the world at the present moment? Simply witness and write the reality that exists today. Write down your emotions of whatever thoughts are weighing you down or even bringing you joy today.

Reserve some moments now, to write down what you are grateful for? Reflecting on some of your achievements this past year. Noticing the small, simple things that bring you pleasure and that you are blessed to have in your life. As well as the people that surround you.

Take these moments to FEEl it All.

3) NEW SELF/ NEW WORLD: Start this letter with the hope and intentions of who you would like to become and what you would like to do in the future. Who would you like to join you on this journey forward? What will your community look like in this new world? How will you relate?

Stay open to all the possibilities that you can envision for your future, as well as the others and this world. Write without fears or doubts or putting barriers on your vision. If there are these feelings there in your present self, feel them, but continue to write.

Write down the emotions that arise from your visions for the future. Are you still gripping to old patterns, sadness, feelings for someone or something? Let that go and simply write a new story, new feelings in which you hope to manifest and live.


CLOSE YOUR EYES…..time to fully envision your NEW self.

with the answers of your future self in mind, SEE these things coming TO BE. See your connections and relations you will have. SEE how you will relate to them and yourself with your ideas, values, and beliefs. Experience the feelings of JOY, and happiness. Feel the support and confidence in yourself, and the others who surround you. SEE your community, the people you brought into this journey with you. Welcoming you, supporting you in your NEW SELF. SEE, you being there for them as well. SEE, your NEW identity. All the things you want to EMBODY. your work, your goals and dreams, and the whole story you want to play out.

Visualize the success in seeing the seeds you plant on this new moon, GROW into your full vision.

OPEN your eyes and BEGIN AGAIN.


the way we RELATE