As the seasons change, so do we, others, and our surroundings, as we are not separate but a part of the journey. Among the hustle of the everyday, we often forget to take time to slow down, pause, and notice what we are a part of.

Souvenir / A sense of time invites you to embark on a journey of discovery and connection to the present, yourself, others and your surroundings through a sensorial journal from Autumn.

It is a reminder to notice through each of your senses, the beauty and joy in the details and the extraordinary in the ordinary.

From the colours and textures, to the sounds and smells that surround you. Savouring each of the moments fully.

It inspires you to stay open and curious to observe and explore life with wonder.

Enjoy this curated collection of offerings inspired by the Autumn season in Montreal.

what I noticed

  • witnessing the open-air outdoor gallery that exhibits vibrant and textural pieces thoughtfully curated by Nature.

  • A woman walking mindfully through the woods, barefoot, grounding into the moment.

  • noticing how nature and urban landscapes become colour-coordinated in Autumn time.

  • observing the single leaf’s journey from falling from the tree to the earth’s bed.

  • the seasonal shift into a more reflective state of being.

  • the smell and taste of a bowl of homemade soup can evoke vivid visual memories, transporting you to moments of pure joy and comfort.

  • beautiful places and space to contemplate and rest

  • light waning and the days growing shorter.